Interview with The Sherlocks

The Parish, Wrexham – Kevin A. Steen 13.10.2021

Photography Gallery by Brent Jones.

Catching up with the band before perform the first of two nights at The Parish in Wrexham as part of their ‘Keep Our Independent Venues Alive’ UK tour.

Kiaran Crook (lead vocals, guitar, Brandon Crook (drums), Alex Procter (guitar), Trent Jackson (bass)

We spoke about their soon to be released 3rd Album ‘World I understand’ out on the 19th November 2021.

The Sherlocks recorded their new album at Rockfield studios in Monmouthshire. Where the likes of Queen and Oasis have recorded. Working with Dave Eringa the Manic Street Preachers producer.

Did you feel any pressure?

No, we worked on an early single with Dave, we loved what he had done so much we kept it and put it on the first album. We just had a good laugh with Dave.

Have you seen the Rockfield studios documentary?

Yeah, it was bit weird because that was the first time we watched it, we were at Rockfield.

What inspired you to call yourselves the Sherlocks? What does the name mean to you?

Laughter erupts. I’ll let Brandon tell this one. This story he tells, is shocking and does not exist in my memory. 

Basically, we were coming home from swimming. 14, 15-year-old. Andy Davidson our former band member. Used to come out with basic and obvious stuff all the time. So, we always used to say well done Sherlock. The expression ‘no shit Sherlock’ 

We struggled for a name for so long. We just decided to call ourselves The Sherlocks and it stuck. People still remember us and we think it stands out. 

How did you deal with Covid?

It was difficult. the hardest part was not being able to gig. Pretty much two years. We recorded the new album. With two new lads coming in. Allowing us to form a new partnership. Sharing double beds. Top and tail ? There will be plenty of tailing go on. We all love the police academy movies. Tiddlywinks. It’s a great game we used to play with our grandad. We really do get on really well. With the new boys joining we wanted them to be 100% part of it. Not feeling like session musicians from day one.

We joined the group at a different time. Roughly three months before we started recording the new album. Most of the songs for the new album were already written or nearly finished. We got to studio, we didn’t really know each other on a personal level. We got stuck in, had a few rehearsals. We were then like this is the band now.

This tour is lending your support to independent venues, what made you want to do it?

Starting out it was vital, we had these venues to perform. Without them we wouldn’t have had the platform to perform. We love playing. A small gig to us is great. Some nights we can’t see the crowd because of the lights. We don’t play the same every night, we play to the crowd. For us we just enjoy playing. It’s great to have the opportunity to support independent music venues across the country. More bands should do it.

What do you think of the Parish?

It’s a really cool place, all about the music. Feels like someone’s basement. Music everywhere you look. You can tell Kev has put his heart and soul into the venue. it definitely a place to bring people together to share their love for live music.

We can’t wait to get on that stage. We will definitely be sampling some Wrexham Lager and Bootlegger, Captain has invited us to the brewery tomorrow. You know it baby. Then back to his to play in kitchen.

You’ve been together for over a decade now, how did you develop?

When we formed, we performed covers, I wanted to play guitar and It was all I wanted to do. We wanted to play The Strokes, Artic Monkeys, REM, The Music. Everything that inspired us.

Learning and playing covers, we did that for 2 or 3 years, until we felt like we were getting better and better. This is how we learnt how to play our instruments. We developed from there working on our own material. Telling our story. Some songs, people are well into the lyrics, other songs the melody is that strong they are having it.

No matter what I write it about. People will always associate that song with whatever makes sense to them. If I said what every song was about, that’s the mystery over for them. Which is why I’m not a massive fan of doing track by track but it has to be done. We do what we do and if you like it great. We love what we do and enjoy every second.

The setlist was as follows;

  • Will you be there
  • Magic man
  • Falling
  • Escapade
  • End lf the earth
  • Last night
  • NYC
  • World I understand
  • Under your sky
  • Waiting
  • City lights
  • Living for the moment
  • Nobody knows
  • Hey Jude
  • Chasing Shadows

Check out more about The Sherlocks at all of the below.

Being supported by two bands for these two shows. make sure you check them out

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The Royston Club @ Focus Wales 2021

Jonny Ash want to find out more about them. Here you go!!!

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Explore the gallery from the night below.