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Meic Agored Tŷ Pawb // Tŷ Pawb Open Mic

June 21 @ 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm

Bilingual Message – Please Scroll Down for English

Noson Meic Agored Tŷ Pawb
Mehefin 21 – 7:00pm – 10:00pm

Ydych chi’n awyddus i arddangos eich talent mewn amgylchedd bywiog a chroesawgar? Edrychwch dim pellach! Mae’r llwyfan, sy’n cael ei gynnal gan artist gwahanol bob mis, yn agored i berfformwyr newydd a phrofiadol. Cyrhaeddwch yn gynnar i gofrestru i berfformio ar y noson.

Bydd y mis hwn yn cael ei gynnal gan Igloo Hearts. Dechreuodd taith gerddorol Katie a James 15 mlynedd yn ôl mewn meic agored yn Wrecsam, lle roeddent yn cysylltu’n syth dros eu cariad cyffredin at gerddoriaeth (a’r gyfres deledu ‘The Office’!)

Mae Katie yn bianydd clasurol hyfforddedig sy’n ennill gradd 8 gyda rhagoriaeth yn 17 oed. Dechreuodd gyrfa gerddorol James fel cerddor unigol sy’n cefnogi pobl fel Oysterband a Nick Harper.

Fodd bynnag, nid tan ychydig dros dair blynedd yn ôl, yn ystod cyfnodau heriol y cyfnod clo, y gwnaethon nhw ymchwilio i ysgrifennu caneuon cydweithredol. Sbardunodd yr ailgynnau hwn o’u hangerdd a rennir enedigaeth Igloo Hearts, prosiect cerddorol sy’n cyfuno eu cefndiroedd cerddorol unigryw i gyfuniad cytûn.

Ers hynny, mae eu taith gerddorol wedi datblygu i fod yn rhywbeth eithaf arbennig, gan adeiladu ffans o bobl sy’n cael eu drysu gan eu cyfansoddi a’u dawn gerddorol.

Manylion y Digwyddiad:

Dyddiad: 21 Mehefin 2024
Amser: 7:00pm ymlaen – Dewch yn gynnar (o 6:30pm) i gofrestru i berfformio.
Lleoliad: Tŷ Pawb
Mynediad: Am ddim
Disgwyliwch ystod amrywiol o berfformiadau o gerddoriaeth, barddoniaeth a chomedi. Cynulleidfa gefnogol ac awyrgylch gyfeillgar gyda’r cyfle i rwydweithio gyda chyd-artistiaid a selogion

Sut i gymryd rhan:

Cofrestrwch yn y lleoliad ar ddiwrnod y digwyddiad o 6:30pm
Dewch â’ch offerynnau, propiau, neu dim ond chi eich hun
Mae pob perfformiwr yn cael amser penodol i arddangos eu talent
Peidiwch â cholli’r cyfle hwn i fynegi eich hun a chysylltu â chymuned o unigolion o’r un anian. Gadewch i’ch creadigrwydd esgyn yn ein Noson Meic Agored! Welwn ni chi yno!

Bydd Bar Sgwar a’r Llys Bwyd yn Nhŷ Pawb ar agor ar gyfer y digwyddiad hwn.


Tŷ Pawb Open Mic
June 21 – 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm

Are you looking to showcase your talent in a vibrant and welcoming environment? Then look no further! Hosted by a different artist every month, the stage is open to new and experienced performers. Please arrive early to register to perform on the night.
This month will be hosted by Igloo Hearts. Katie and James’ musical journey began 15 years ago at an open mic in Wrexham, where they instantly connected over their shared love for music (and the TV series ‘The Office’!)

Katie is a classical trained pianist obtaining her Grade 8 with distinction at 17. James’ musical career began as a solo singer songwriter supporting the likes of Oysterband and Nick Harper.

However, it wasn’t until just over three years ago, during the challenging times of lockdown, that they truly delved into collaborative songwriting. This rekindling of their shared passion sparked the birth of Igloo Hearts, a musical project that fuses their distinct musical backgrounds into a harmonious blend.

Since then, their musical journey has developed into something pretty special, building a fanbase of people that are bewitched by their songwriting and musicianship.

Event Details:
• Date: 21st of June 2024
• Time: 7:00pm onwards – Arrive early (from 6:30pm) to sign up to perform.
• Location: Tŷ Pawb
• Admission: Free Entry
Expect a diverse range of performances from music, poetry and comedy. A supportive audience and a friendly atmosphere with the opportunity to network with fellow artists and enthusiasts
How to Participate:
• Sign up at the venue on the event day from 6:30pm
• Bring your instruments, props, or just yourself
• Each performer gets a set time to showcase their talent
Don’t miss this chance to express yourself and connect with a community of like-minded individuals. Let your creativity soar at our Open Mic Night! See you there!

Bar Sgwar and the Food Court at Tŷ Pawb will be open for this event.



June 21
7:00 pm - 10:00 pm


Tŷ Pawb


Market Street, LL13 8BB Wrexham, United Kingdom